Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Medical Exam Gone Wrong

I talked to Brian this morning and he and Nastiya had just arrived at their flat in Kiev for the evening. He was just getting ready for his first shower since he left here on Saturday, so he is bound to be doing better after that.

The group arrived in Kiev this morning and were off to Nastiya's medical exam. Through our entire trip we have really had very pleasant experiences, and people have been kind to us. Apparently today, this was a different story. The doctor did her exam and was speaking to Nastiya in Russian. No one knows what she said to her, but Brian said that her eyes got really wide, and she was visibly upset. Nadya, unfortunately, wasn't in the room at the time, she had gone out to pay for the visit. The doctor then turned to Brian and began speaking English to him, and proceeded to tell him that Nastiya does not read well. She asked him what he knew of her parents, and when he told her very little, she told him that they were most likely stupid, and stupid parents create stupid children. Obviously, that didn't go over very well with Brian. She then proceeded to rake him over the coals for American parenting skills. She yelled at him that we let our children run the streets and we allow too much freedom. She is definitely of the Communist belief system. Well, those of you who know Brian well can just imagine what happened then. A shouting match occurred with Brian telling the doctor that at least we have a lower number of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome children etc..

Valentin and Nadya couldn't get Nastiya to tell them what exactly the doctor had said to her, and she was very subdued and upset for the better part of the day. Valentin was afraid that the doctor had told her that we do painful things to her in America and he told Brian he did the right thing yelling at the doctor. Either way, the damage is done, and we will have to try to reverse any ideas that have been put into her head. They got to the flat and she has discovered the TV and Brian says she is happy. She also told them that she misses her Mama, which makes me happy.

The good news is that by 2:00 pm tomorrow they will be completely finished and ready to head back to the US. However, we booked the flight home for Friday morning, which gives them an extra day to hang around Kiev. They are in a flat that is not near the downtown area, as the flats we stayed in previously are occupied. There is a subway near this flat, so Brian may try to venture out tomorrow and see if he can get back to the Independence Square area. We also discussed seeing what it would cost to catch a flight on Thursday morning instead of Friday. As soon as Brian knows anything, I will let everyone know. He is really just done and wants to come home. Nastiya seems to be of the same mindset, she keeps asking when they will get on an airplane.


Heidi and Felix said...

Ooohhh, that got my blood to boiling too! I'm sorry that this sweet little girl had to go through that. She will get to see the love and attention she so deserves here in America. We can't wait to meet her.

Was this an Embassy contracted doctor? Tell us who this was so that we may avoid her!


Cindie said...

Could you send me the name of the Dr.? My e-mail is ckwolff@hughes.net.
When I read your post to my husband his blood was also boiling. We applaud you husband for defending your daughter and being able to only use his words. What a great Dad his is!

adopting2fromUkraine said...

How awful for poor Nastya! The doctor our daughter had last April was extremely nice. So, not everyone has to see this terrible rude doctor.


Debora Hoffmann said...

I'm one of the boiling blood crowd. I'm glad your husband stood up to the doctor and your sweet girl was there to witness it!